“Karagandareaktivsbyt”, LLP

Established: 1964

Head: Kurilkina Lyudmila Arsentievna, director


E-mail: mii_krsb@mail.ru

Tel .: +7 (7212) 43-76-40

Fax: +7 (7212) 43-79-27

For letters: 100019, Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda, st. Yakub Kolos, 7

Activity: The company is engaged in the supply of chemical reagents and laboratory components of various weights and volumes in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the entire period of work, the company has established itself as a supplier of guaranteed high quality products.

Specialization: chemical products and laboratory equipment.


Main products:

Application: chemical industry.

+7 (495) 223-61-01
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